Tuesday, October 19, 2010

All time low

Goodness, let me count the number of days i've not blogged... Hehe well i sincerely wna apologise to everyone for not keeping this blog alive as what i promised afew months back. Well exams went quite well, and i've recieved my papers yesterday, and guess what!

Tadaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa, i passed 5subjects and failed 2subjects. *Insert a smiley face*

Well....... I'll start on for the activities i've been doing for the past few weeks hehe.

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I fucking love it when the teacher/invigalator says "STOP WRITING GIRLS": *End of exam* And everyone starts comparing answers, chit-chatting, best is we guys are sooo relaxed when it came to geog paper coz it was the last paper. Well, overall i felt that i improved a lot comparing to the start of the yr. Rly CMI sia last time...... LOL

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Finally, i got a cam for myself as a reward of *studying hard* during exam periods. Daddy and Mummy sponsored as well hehe. Right, so last Thursday met Jeslyn and Sipei at tamp. Ya, you guys must be thinking that i've totally no life, always hanging out at Tamp etc.... It actually ain't that bad la for what i guess, at least you got friends to accompany you right!!! Hehe so we walked arnd.... I kinda forgot what we did next, well.......

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Frolicks hehe.

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Headed down to ecp with babies serene and sipei on a Friday night, made Sipei wait for an hr plus for us....... As usual. Felt super guilty ah... Rly had a good chat with my girls and i was literally sweating through-out the trip to ecp. I mean like srsly.... Super disappointed and felt like it was almost a wasted trip down coz thinking that ecp had more wind then pr LOL

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This is....... a very disappointing picture LOL. Aftermath headed back to tamp with baby while Sipei headed home. :) Headed to peiline boyf's hse with ahmeng and settled down at the playground. I think i lost 2kg that day ah sia, jitao sweat to cannot sweat alrd LOL

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My lovely girls. ;)

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On a Saturday night, headed over to sweetheart's place and met gary and junkai as well. Wah lau they actually pranked me, but something just told me they were LYING hahahaha.

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Headed down to sheesha prolly 8plus, rly hate sheesha's cigg that badly y'know i prefer normal ciggarettes hehe. Settled down and spent prolly 2hrs plus there~

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Bussed over to bi and rly have the urge to puke... The bus reeked of some fishy smell and maybe smoked alot too, buey tahan. Headed home at 11plus and met peiline and her boyf.

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*Fucking love the effect here*

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Yesterday, met my babies over at bi and bussed down to fep. Eventually hopped into the wrong bus ah, kinda screwed alrd LOL. Reached fep prolly at 7plus and the guys blamed me for bringing them over to town and no job suitable for them. :( Was kinda disappointed myself too.. Took the express bus over to Tamp, meanwhile my ahpa was making a nuisance of himself LOL. Same goes to the rest of us, but that's our definition of Entertainment right babies hehehe.

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Followed ahhao to tamp cc with bitch, while sweetheart jk and gary headed to 400plus. Awhile later cabbed over to jiefu's hse and sent bitch down, then headed home.

Gna start hunting for jobs in the east area alrd, any intros etc do contact me at 84886563.
Thanks guys, do comment constantly hahaha. ;)